Personal Training
RNPT specializes in fat loss for the busy professional. With years of experience dealing with the challenges faced by lawyers, bankers and business owners in the city, we have developed systems that will work with your demanding lifestyle and produce results every single time. Poor sleep, stress, client dinners all make it difficult to loose weight and stay in great shape. We will show you the real methods for fast effective and safe fat loss, developed over years of training 100s of people.
Its hard to admit but, at the end of the day, all most gym goers want is to look good in a t shirt! Whatever your desired shape, sculpting and toning the right muscles in the right places and help you get there. Combine that with a healthy diet specifically designed to your body’s individual requirements and you’ll be looking great sooner then you thought possible!
Introductory consultation - 15 minutes £20
Personal Training
Single Sessions
30 mins
45 mins
60 mins
Block Booking Discounts (12 sessions)
30 mins
45 mins
60 mins
Tailored Programs
1 x 1 hour PT session and 4 week program £150
3 x 1 hour PT session taken once a month with a new 4 week program every month £350
Online Classes
Tuesday 11:00am - 40 minutes - Core and Glutes - suitable for all abilities - £12
Friday 11:15am - 30 minutes - Core Conditioning - £12
Online Personal Training - please contact us for rates